Changes in Hospitals

Meaningful or just window dressing? For a brief period in the late 1970’s, rigid hospital policies across the United States started to break down.  In direct response to a growing vocal minority of birthing women and their families who desired truly natural birth in the hospital setting, nurses and physicians began to simply turn their back on such rules as …

suzanneChanges in Hospitals

The American Way of Birth (which is being exported to the world)

Each year nearly 4 million babies are born in America. Fewer than 5% of these births occur naturally. The term “natural” has become meaningless, and the term “normal” is confused with what is typical. Obstetricians are trained to view birth as cheap soft cialis “a catastrophe waiting to happen.” The typical birth in this country is neither normal nor healthy. …

suzanneThe American Way of Birth (which is being exported to the world)

Science and the Roots of Love: What Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Shows Us

Cell biology, brain science and child development studies confirm the findings of transpersonal psychology and sacred teachings of long ago: What we experience at the very beginning of life deeply shapes our health, the way we live, and our life cheap cialis tablets choices. Many problems and chronic conditions we face as teens or adults can, in fact, be traced …

suzanneScience and the Roots of Love: What Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Shows Us